
5 Common mistakes when performing Spirometry

Spirometry is the most commonly performed test of pulmonary function and it plays a central role in the diagnosis and surveillance of respiratory disease.  Accurate spirometry testing, interpretation, and follow-up are vital to ensure patients are diagnosed correctly, placed on the correct treatment pathway and monitored effectively.  Although the principles for achieving accurate and repeatable

What is Spirometry?

Spirometry is considered a method of assessing Lung Function by measuring the “useful” volume of air in a patient, in simple terms, it is a dynamic breathing test to look at how much air an individual can inhale and exhale and how fast this can be done. Spirometry  is used to help monitor and diagnose

5 common mistakes made when performing a CPET Test

When performing a Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET), the most important thing is making sure that the results are reliable for them to be accurately interpreted later on. A mistake made during the test can dramatically affect the interpretation and therefore, the prognosis. For this reason, we wanted to highlight some of the most common mistakes

What is Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing?

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) is a diagnostic test which looks at the heart and lungs of an individual during exercise. The human body is designed with vast reserves, and many illnesses or problems cannot be detected at the rest state. By putting the body under stress during exercise, we can recognise some of these conditions.